Friday, 6 May 2011

Dry, Cracked Heels?

May 6th, 2011

So many of us suffer from dry, cracked heels and callouses.  With summer rapidly approaching (on the calendar if not outside!) we take out our sandals and strip off our socks to find rough, ugly heels that just don't go away with regular lotions and scrubbing with a pumice stone.  Here's some tips on what you can do at home that will work to make your feet healthy and beautiful.

Here's this month's tips to smooth, crack-free heels all summer long!

Dry out your feet.  It may be exactly the opposite of what you might think to do, but most of the time dry, cracked heels are caused by moisture and friction.  So, you will want to dry out those feet.  Change your socks numerous times throughout the day and wear a well-ventilated shoe that fits!  

Wash and dry between your toes with a towel, or by drawing pieces of gauze between each toe.  Use a mild ph balanced soap and rinse well.  Ask for assistance if you can't reach well!

Apply a lotion such as Galaxal Base lotion (found at most pharmacies) and ask your pharmacist to mix it with 15-25% urea.  Apply this well at least once a day, avoiding between the toes.  See us at Sole 2 Sole foot clinic for more direction. 

Apply an antibacterial ointment (such as polysporin) to any deep cracks.

Wear a cotton night sock when sleeping (unless you are at risk for falling at night).

If these tips and tricks don't help solve the problem, see your foot care nurse or doctor for further advice and assistance.